Routine after Summer Break

Parent obstacle tip. "How will I get my child back into their routine after summer break?" We love this obstacle. What's the answer....? It's simple: Kids definitely need a break, just like us parents. However, they still need a structured routine as well. If we stayed home from work for a week, we'd still have plenty of responsibilities as well. Kiddos are the same, just on a smaller more age-appropriate spectrum. Rather than let them veg out completely, layer in fun and "work' throughout their day. Chores✅ Play✅ Chores✅ Family time✅ Play✅ Bedtime routine✅ Using this layering method you can keep them focused on growth and not have any trouble getting them back into the swing of things when school starts back up. Let us know how this works for you or if you have any great tips, please share.


ATA Park Karate was founded in 1990 in Roselle Park, NJ, by 8th-degree black belt, Chief Master Vincent Raimondi. The school has received an Ambassador Award as one of the top five academies in the country.

All three of our locations offer a variety of programs, for pre-school children ages 3-6, and elementary ages children 7 and up, as well as teen and adult training. All programs incorporate physical fitness, self-defense, and traditional Songahm Taekwondo, taught with a focus on life skills, all in a supportive, positive environment.

Under Chief Master Raimondi, our schools are dedicated to creating tomorrow’s leaders- one black belt at a time.

For more information, call us at any one of our 3 schools. You can also visit our website at

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