How Kids’ Karate Teaches Discipline

How Kids’ Karate Teaches Discipline

Parents bring their children to our unique program for various reasons. Our Martial

Arts programs motivate and lead youngsters to slim down, improve their body image, and increase self-esteem. Martial Arts bolsters their self-worth and helps them learn to become opinion leaders, resist bullying, and have confidence in themselves.


Most importantly to some parents, our children’s program is a fun and effective means of teaching better self-discipline.

Studying Martial Arts is hard work for anyone. Steady improvement requires pushing one’s self to surpass previous boundaries, whether physical, mental, or otherwise. Our Karate program for kids is an excellent means of instilling an appreciation for the results that focus, sincere effort, and perseverance can achieve. Many kids come into our school lacking focus or direction. Some have had minor disciplinary issues at home or school. Kids’ Karate teaches even the most rambunctious to use good manners, follow reasonable rules, give and receive respect, and get along well with others.


Martial Arts are physical disciplines as well as mental. To progress to the next rank or level, one must genuinely apply themselves regularly, creating a “good” habit. For students to do well in our kids’ Karate program, they must act with focus and determination, which many have never before experienced. Many parents happily observe that, after some time in our Martial Arts program for children, their once misbehaved or discourteous kids begin to carry their newfound focus and determination into other areas of life, such as school work.


ATA Park Karate offers a curriculum imbued with Martial Arts techniques and a series of valuable life skills. This system was developed to help children develop wholesome, productive values such as respect, courtesy, self-discipline, self-esteem, self-confidence, and listening skills. Results commonly observed by parents whose children participate in the kids’ Karate program include improved grades at school and better social skills when interacting with their peers (such as bullying prevention and peer pressure resistance), siblings, and grown-ups.


Our Martial Arts for children program assists students in three fundamental areas of the martial arts mat: home, school, and social settings. We also invite parents to create their own “wish list” to allow better our instructors to target specific problem behaviors and help minimize or eliminate them. And while our kid's program is ideal for teaching kids discipline, most kids stay in the program because it is fun.


If you want to learn more about how our kid's Karate program can help empower your child with exemplary self-discipline, call today or complete the contact form, and we’ll call you!



ATA Park Karate was founded in 1990 in Roselle Park, NJ, by 8th-degree black belt, Chief Master Vincent Raimondi. The school has received an Ambassador Award as one of the top five academies in the country.

All three of our locations offer a variety of programs, for pre-school children ages 3-6, and elementary ages children 7 and up, as well as teen and adult training. All programs incorporate physical fitness, self-defense, and traditional Songahm Taekwondo, taught with a focus on life skills, all in a supportive, positive environment.

Under Chief Master Raimondi, our schools are dedicated to creating tomorrow’s leaders- one black belt at a time.

For more information, call us at any one of our 3 schools. You can also visit our website at

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